Atanas Yonkov Profile Picture

Atanas Yonkov

software engineer from Sofia, Bulgaria

Software engineer with a interest in Front-end development and a strong foundation in JavaScript and TypeScript. I have successfully leveraged frameworks such as React, Node.js, and Next.js to deliver innovative solutions. I dare to say I don't know everything, but I am curious, quickly learn, and adapt. My preference is always for user experience over interface design, but I aim to combine both. These days I am mostly playing with Next.js.

Simply put, I feel at my best when I am inspired by what I do, which maximizes my output. As Anthony Alicea puts it, "Don't imitate, understand." It's fair to say that I enjoy his courses. Currently, I started exploring the world of eXtended Reality (XR) environments in a scientific context. With a Master's degree in Information Studies and a project at the Netherlands Institute of Mathematics and Informatics regarding VR/AR theaters, I found a lot of value in scientific works.



JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Python, SQL(MySQL), Bash, C#, R


React, Redux (Thunk), Node.js, Next.js, Material-UI, Knex.js, SFCC, Apollo GraphQL, Tailwind CSS, FastAPI, D3.js, Chart.js, numpy, pandas, matplotlib


Git, VS Code, Postman, Unity, Eclipse, MatLab


OOP, Agile Development, Scrum


Joint Master Thesis Researcher at CWI (Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica) and University of Amsterdam (UvA)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

February 2024 – June 2024 (5m)

  • Thesis topic: Enhancing the Spectator Experience: Integrating Subtitle Display in eXtended Reality Theatres

  • During my master's thesis project at the Netherlands Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, I am studying the user experience of displaying subtitles in extended reality (XR) environments

  • Integrated eye tracking functionality of the Meta Quest Pro into a Unity theatre application in order gather data during the study

Software Engineer at Merkle

Sofia, Bulgaria

April 2022 – August 2023 (1y 6m)

Software Engineer

  • Developed an internal rewards system using Next.js, Apollo GraphQL and Knex.js

  • Conducted my bachelor thesis, which was focused on exploring to what extent utilizing modern frameworks can improve the company’s development process

  • Fixed bugs within client projects

  • Developed a functionality for setting up and syncing (between dev and prod) on-demand sandboxes

Software Engineering Intern

  • Developed mock projects making use of the SalesForce Commerce Cloud platform

Front-end Developer at GILO Technologies

Rijswijk, The Netherlands

July 2021 – February 2022 (8m)

  • Developed and implemented the foundation for the GILO Google Docs add-on using TypeScript

  • Developed and maintained the GILO Microsoft Word add-on using TypeScript and Node.js

  • Created short animations with marketing purposes using Adobe AfterEffects


Master Thesis
Cum Laude
University of Amsterdam Master Thesis. Enhancing the Spectator Experience: Integrating Subtitle Display in eXtended Reality Theatres
Graduaded with distinction (cum laude). This study investigates the integration of subtitles in eXtended Reality (XR) environments, particularly in virtual reality (VR) theater. While subtitles are essential for language learning, vocabulary acquisition, and accessibility in traditional media, their use in XR settings, like VR theater, is underexplored. The research focuses on comparing static and dynamic subtitle designs in a VR Greek play, using a literature review, VR experiment, and analytics.
Information Systems
Exploring Data Science Salaries
Decoding the Numbers: Unveiling Data Science Salaries from 2020 to 2023, with a Glimpse into 2024
Automated Construction of Formal Normative Models
Representation of a machine learning approach for Natural Language Interpretation
BSc Graduation Project
Optimize the development of customized e-commerce websites by creating a reference architecture
Game Development
2D Puzzle Platformer Game
Google Cloud
Development of Add-ins
Walkthrough of the process of developing add-in for MS Word and Google Docs for a client GILO Technologies
User Testing
SIMAC Connecting Platform
How can SIMAC stimulate personal development and growth by enabling colleagues supporting each other?
Shared Notes
Shared Notes is an application where students can help other students and receive rewards for that


Master of Science in Information Systems

University of Amsterdam

August 2023 – June 2024

Grade: Distinction

  • Data Systems Project: Designed and implemented a comprehensive data system in collaboration with TNO, focusing on database design, optimization, and real-world data engineering tasks.

  • Explored how to leverage big data for business innovation, market opportunities, and entrepreneurial ventures through case studies and practical exercises

  • Studied the design and implementation of intelligent systems using human-computer interaction and machine learning to create adaptive user experiences.

  • Learned to build and simulate models for understanding complex systems and their dynamic behaviors across various applications.

  • Examined the societal impacts of digital technologies, including digital identity, privacy, and ethical considerations of emerging tech.

  • Analyzed and modeled complex societal systems using data analytics to design effective solutions for issues like urbanization, healthcare, and education.

Erasmus Exchange in Computer Networks (Minor)

Halmstad University of Applied Sciences

August 2022 – January 2023

  • Learned the fundamentals of computer networks based on Cisco CCNA

  • Studied system administration and gained practical insights into managing large-scale computer and network systems

  • Applied networking concepts using Linux and Python

Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

August 2019 – August 2023

  • Collaborated with both internal and external stakeholders to produce various projects

  • Developed websites, mockups, user journeys, personas, and similar

  • Utilized established research methods ( to test, implement and validate

  • Created small video games using Unity and made custom 3D props and assets using Autodesk Maya


Adobe Premiere Pro

Softuni Creative

Agile Software Development



Sep 2020

Brand New Brand



June 2020

Introduction to Typography



May 2020

Fundamentals of Graphic Design



May 2020

Intermediate SQL Queries



Nov 2019

Introduction to Tidyverse



Sep 2019